Monday, April 13, 2009


It just occured to me that when she is older, Terelle will probably not remember much of the past 4 years of her life and neither will Thane. And I havent been really conscientious about keeping all these memories for them.
So...ive decided to be more meticulous in storing all these memories. Memories that meant something to me, and hopefully did mean something to them.

There we were, taking a rare bus ride to school. Why rare u ask? Because it has become the norm that hubby leaves the car with me and i ferry Terelle to school every day. Just so happened that he sent the car in for a thorough wash today and we had to find our own way to school.

But boy was it a treat for her!

Look we're so high up Mummy! Look at this tree Mummy! Wah i can see a doggie! Eek why are there so many dirty black things on the bus stop's roof? Wah that man has so little hair! Mummy look at that bright blue motorcycle! Mummy this is so fun!

Funny how a simple bus ride can transform everyday objects into fascinating subjects of conversation. She is totally blase when she is sitting in the car everyday, either silently staring out of the window or when she is in a more upbeat mood, singing along to her favourite songs.

I want to remember this particular day, because i know i will forget, she will forget. I want to remember how we made up silly stories about the people going on about their everyday lives, how we sang funny made up songs and how we posed for goofy photos. I want to remember how a 30min bus ride became magical through a 4yo's eyes.

As a SAHM, there are days when i really wish i could throw in the towel and leave them behind to go to work, cos work will offer definite respite from the mindless "admininstrative" things i have to go through everyday - bathing, feeding, changing, dealing with whines and tantrums, discipline, putting them to sleep, ferrying them around...the list goes on.

But today, just today, i want to remember the precious, happy moments that i got to spend with my Terelle, cos i was looking after her full time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sell the car then. *wink*


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