Friday, August 11, 2006


There once was a group of girls who all had babies in April. They were a close knit bunch, sharing everything from tips on taking care of their babes to hubby woes, fretting over the consistency, color and texture of their little ones' poo, trying to decipher their cries and generally just being there for each other.

Then another gal joined this little group and all the mummies welcomed her with open arms. Soon this newcomer felt really at home, cos everyone there made her feel like she had become an integral part of the group.

Nappy changing and breastfeeding headaches progressed into solid food fights and bruises, bumps and cuts as weeks turned into months. Soon these mummies began to meet up regularly. They realised that they had more in common than just having had babies in the same month and seriously enjoyed each others' company. Not to mention the little ones always had a whale of a time whenever they saw their little friends.

The"newbie" to the group was going to endure a lonely birthday as the hubby was going to be travelling yet again. These vivacious mummies actually hatched a plan to throw the most fabulous surprise party for her, complete with decorations, catered food and sumptious cake. And although the hubby foiled all their plans by deciding to return from his trip earlier to be with his poor wifey on her birthday, they nevertheless went ahead with a mini surprise celebration in advance, still complete with fabulous food and sumptious cake and of cos, marvelous company.

Thanks girls, for teaching me that the depth of a friendship does not equate to its length. Thanks for laughing with me at life's humourous moments, bearing with me on my crabby and irritable days, being my support and wells of advice when my gal was injured or ill and celebrating my little victories and my gal's milestones. i definitely know that all of u will be there everyday (on msn!), rain or shine, to share, laugh, gossip or just to talk nonsense.

You girls havent been in my life for a long time but i am certain that all of u will be in the rest of it. We'll all sit in our rocking chairs, sipping hot cups of tea when we are 80 and look back and think; maybe having had kids in April 2005 was the best thing that ever happened to us.

Love ya girls! ;)

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