Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sibling Dynamics

Ive been observing the siblings interacting with each other and im greatly amused by their antics.

Scenario 1:

Im about to leave the house with Terelle, we are going to watch a play. She gleefully skips over to where her brother is playing quietly and taunts him.

Terelle: Oei Baby! Mummy is bringing me out! We are going to a PLAY. A PLAY, you know what that is? Its for MUMMIES AND BIG KIDS, babies are not allowed! Whahahaha!

Thane: (Realises that he wont be going out with us)
*Starts howling and clings to my leg*

Terelle: Stop crying baby, u cant go out! CANT GO OUT! hahahhaha!

Thane: *Yells louder*

Me, i have to pacify him by telling him that i promise to bring him out the next day, ALONE, without his sister.

He seems to understand and allows himself to be carried away by our helper, back into the house, but not without protest.

Terelle continues her ribbing all the way down the corridor.

My poor son lingering forlornly by the gate

I tell her that when i bring Baby out the next day, it will be her turn to stay home.

She is unfazed.

Scenario 2:

They are playing with their 'Monster vs Aliens' toys from MacDonalds.

Thane wants The Missing Link but Terelle refuses to give it to him, cos she is using him to stage an epic battle with Galaxxar.

He yells, they fight, i manage to break it up.

Awhile later, Thane somehow manages to get his hands on The Missing Link. However, he wants to watch a repeat of the battle so he offers him to Terelle and indicates that he wants to watch Galaxxar pummel the fish-man.

She, by now, is bored and doesnt want that toy.

He insists that she take it.

She yells, they fight.

I laugh.

Scenario 3:

Naptime. They climb into the cot beside the window and look out at the park below and the opposite block.

They are both clutching their beloved blankies and Terelle is pointing out nothing much in particular to her brother.

But he is enthralled and they both go "ooh" and "aah" at everything and anything.

I sit by the side, watching and feeling glad that they have one another for company.

Scenario 4:

Dinnertime. They sit side by side at the table.

Terelle puts her elbows on the table very near to Thane.

He decides that she is invading his personal space and tries to push her arms off the table.

She finds is hilarious that he is geting riled up and refuses to budge.

He yells and starts hitting her.

She screams for me and starts complaining.

I dont know if i should laugh or scold them.

Scenario 5:

We are in the taxi. Thane suddenly decides that he would like to attempt to call his sister.

Thane: *Softly with a shy smile* Jie Jie

Terelle is overjoyed that her brother can call her at last.

Terelle: Baby call Jie Jie, baby call Jie Jie!

Thane: *louder* Jie Jie!

Terelle is really chuffed now. She yells at the top of her lungs.


However, by now Thane has lost interest and plays with his toy.


He looks at her as if she's a raving lunatic.

Ive to calm her down lest the taxi uncle throws us out.

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