Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I miss our life together. I miss the silly, happy times; the comfortable companionship, the simple joy of just being together. I still remember flashes of things that we did together, conversations we had, places we visited.

We were really good together, and you know that. And I will not have anyone, not even you, belittle what we had.

You say i dont understand. I do really. My heart breaks even as I write this and I want to tell you that not a day goes by that I don't wonder why things are this screwed up. Not a day goes by that i dont wonder what if certain words had been said, certain things had been done, certain decisions never made. Hindsight is an out and out bitch.

But having said that, I cannot go on living a half arsed life. Yet you have been in my life far too long to just let go. 

There are the loves that can’t be tempered by circumstances, distance or time, and our split that i made myself call was really just a “No matter what happens, i know we will still have this connection.” It was never meant as "goodbye".

Even if my heart hurts in the moments when i recall certain memories only belonging to us, I knew that you will always be there. You are someone I will never be able to truly say goodbye to, how much more so when I had to leave unwillingly.

If for nothing else, i just want our relationship to still be as fun as it always was. I dont know if we will go through the rest of our lives with this overhanging shadow, nevertheless that closed chapter is by no means a representation that everything is dead and buried.

So this is me with no filter, cos someone's got to say something and im never ever going to live with regrets again.

Please remember what we had and dont choose to dwell on things that are skewed from reality. 

I need you in my life. For good.

If you are happy now, then tell me and i will find it in me to be happy for day, when and if all wounds can be healed.
I really dont want to feel that i have to validate my worth by having someone love me. 

候鸟飞多远 也想念着南方
旅人的天涯 到尽头还是家
下一站 还感觉不来是冷还是暖
天一亮 我又离开

如果我回来 有没有人等待
如果我孤单 会不会谁明白
想像着 再见面却怕自己不勇敢
想拥抱 在你胸怀

时光隧道 传来回音

有些人 在心底从来没忘记
有些事 有些梦 还找不到谜底
有些话 越欲言又止 就越是动听
让我们 靠近 想悄悄告诉你

那颗心 还一直守候没离去
走遍了 全世界 还是你最亲密
记得吗 你最爱的歌 让我再唱起
让我们 相遇 要悄悄告诉你

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