Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Switzerland here we come!

Day 5 - 11th October 2006

We're off to Switzerland today! Got up really early to take Easyjet which was the local budget airline to Basel. I was still groggy with the flu and Caleb was nursing the remnants of a bad migraine of the night before.

But it was a pleasant flight nonetheless...

With who else but barney to keep the gals in their seats?

The girls got fixated on a kiddy ride at the Basel airport and begged to go on it immediately.

Pic 1 (top L): You're my best friend Kara!

Pic 2 (top R) : But lemme drive ok?

Pic 3 (bottom L) : Hey sit down will ya??

Pic 4 (bottom R) : I said sit doooown!! Arrrrgh!

As soon as we reached Uncle Yuen's house, the girls had a whale of a time playing with the 3 dogs there! They laughed, squealed and giggled happily as they patted and tickled the dogs relentlessly.

The grown up had yummy noodles (yay!! Chinese food), while the tots played with Aunty Eliane's old toys.

Oh wow...scraps of tao gey for me...

Terelle: Hee hah!! Toys toys toys!!!

Kara: Eh dont be so unglam leh...Relax!

After a satisfying lunch of hot noodles (no more bread and croissants!!), we set off for the farmhouse that Uncle Yuen promised us, up in the rolling hills of the outskirts of Bern.

Views from the car as we drove up to the mountains

Mummies and babes, squashed with the overflowing suitcases!

Finally the farmhouse which we called home for the next 5 days!

How could a farmhouse not come with its resident cow?

We were delighted with the cow bells as they made charming music in the day, but trust me...they become incessant clanging when you are trying to grasp the last vestiges of elusive sleep as dawn is breaking...

And what more, our room was directly facing the field in which they roamed freely, so we had the honor of hearing the bells clang furiously at full volume every single morning. Arrrrgh!

My darling daughter and hubby had no problems sleeping through the din though, they can sleep through an earthquake. It was just me, desperately covering my ears with the pillow and willing the cows to spontaneously combust every morning. Sigh...

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