Friday, November 28, 2008

Almost a year now...

At 11 mths and 3 weeks, Thane can

- say "go" if he wants to be carried somewhere. He can even indicate the direction by flinging out his little fist.

- say "dog" whenever he sees a dog, his current favourite animal. That's why Mummy is going to have a doggy theme for you for your birthday!

- say "eye" when we point to our eyes.

- kiss on command. Very cute, especially when he is kissing little stuffed toys!

- clap and dance on command. Current favourite song - I like to move it! from Madagasca. This skill was honed by Terelle, cos she is hooked on the cartoon. She can watch it twice a day and not get sick of it!

- put a handphone to his ear whenever we say "hello?"

- make a monkey face on command. It involves scrunching up his nose and squinting his eyes.

- question authority. For example, he would be on the verge of reaching for a forbidden object like a fork. Upon hearing a stern "no!" from either of us, he would continue to surreptitiously reach for the fork by reaching out his little hand towards it, all the while cheekily looking at us from the corner of his eye.

- say "dee" when i point to hubby in our wedding picture. Though im not sure if this was a fluke, cos he hasnt been able to repeat this feat.

- walk unsupported for 4 steps before deciding that crawling will get him to his destination faster.

Its going to be your birthday party tomorrow baby! Mummy is getting excited! ;)

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