Friday, May 18, 2007

My toddler, my blessing...

Havent been faithfully updating this blog so thought ill get down to it again, cos i have just so many thoughts now that my little girl is growing up so quickly.

She is now a toddler, a walking, talking exercise in patience and love.

Suddenly, her entire vocabulary consists of of 'no!' and she makes up silly songs to shoo you away and get off her back. Overnight, she's gone from being an angel full of smiles, coos and adorable gurgles, to a hell-bent toddler, concerned only with getting into every room, nook, and cranny that she isn’t supposed to be in.

She is an enigma of extremes; one moment, she is smiling like a chershire cat and smothering you with kisses while the next moment she is a wild, screaming banshee, embarrassing you in the cafeteria all because she doesnt want her friend to eat the crackers from the same bowl as her.

I cherish the few quiet, stolen moments especially just before bedtime, when she lays her head on my shoulder, or when she kisses me just so that mummy will be happy instead of sad. I act the clown with her and close one eye even if its way past bedtime, whenever she prances around the house every night during her last bursts of energy, just so that i can hear the giggles of my toddler for a little while more. And sometimes i just do not have the heart to admonish her when she pretends her mouth is full for the upteenth time, just so that she doesnt have to take a another spoonful of food, all because of the impish gleam in her dancing eyes.

My girl sees the world through rose tinted glasses. Every mundane thing in my life is transformed into something new and wonderful in her eyes! Picking bits of fluff off the blanket, rummaging through the dustbin, smothering a stranger's dog with hugs and kisses, anything prohibited becomes an extraordinarily fun thing to do! Her imagination is limitless and i constantly find myself wondering where in the world does she find the energy to be a rabbit one moment, a dancing robot the next and then running at top speed around the house saying hello to everyone!

They call these years the terrible twos. Yet somehow, in between the tantrums, the crocodile tears, the ability to say no a thousand times over and repeat a request over and over again like a broken record, there is something precious and unique about this time spent with a toddler. Every day is a challenge and yet every day she lights up your world with new antics and out of this world comments.

The kiss, the lopsided grin, the hugs and words of "wisdom" of a toddler will warm your heart like nothing else will do, even on the toughest days when you feel like throwing in the towel and giving up. Regardless of the hard moments, being a mother to this toddler is one of the biggest blessings in my life and i will remember these crazy, happy times for as long as i live.

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